Online store
Convenience of payment
Online sales

Benefits of creating online stores
Online shopping today is one of the most popular ways to purchase goods and services. The demand for their creation is also growing: online stores are considered as a platform for increasing sales, as well as for starting a business from scratch. The creation of an online store provides its owners with sales, distribution of product information, brand awareness, and also creates new opportunities for further growth and business development.
An online store is primarily a site, but the site is dynamic because you need to constantly update its content, add (remove) items of goods, change prices, and so on.

The structure of the online store
The main section of an online store is a catalog of goods and services. Navigation differs depending on their range. Linear - for stores with a small assortment of the same type of goods, and multi-level - with a large and varied one. Also, navigation can be organized based on a selection according to some specific criteria. Online stores must have the following sections: ordering, searching for goods (services), shopping cart, contact details and feedback from the administration, choosing a payment system, rating the most popular goods and services.
The advantages of an online store:
- The online store is always open, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year;
- Available anywhere in the world, to anyone accessing the internet;
- Significantly reduces costs: doesn't require the cost of renting a retail space, buying commercial equipment and the salary of staff of sellers, accountants, security guards, etc .;
- The availability of goods is often not necessary: it is enough to work well with suppliers;
- Flexible control system: this can be done from anywhere in the world where there is the Internet;
- The convenience of payment;
- Convenience for buyers: the possibility of a leisurely choice of goods in any situation at any time.
However, for an online store to be profitable, it must first gain attention and then become popular.
To do this, the online store must:
- have unique content;
- provide quality service and customer feedback;
- ensure timely delivery of goods.

In addition, an online store also needs high-quality advertising. Let us remind you that this is, first of all, a site that needs to be promoted, and this is easier to do than in a regular store. As soon as the online store is ready, it is necessary to launch advertising campaigns depending on the audience, this can be online, offline advertising, display, or contextual advertising. It will also be useful to create a special blog in which you will tell in detail about the goods and services presented in the online store, publish thematic articles, etc.
Features of online store promotion:
1. High-quality content: excellent photo images of the product from all angles, accurate and detailed description, etc. Plus, the usability of the site should be high.
2. Search engine optimization. Apply SEO techniques. Eliminate errors in the code, use the relevant keys in the descriptions. Make your site open for indexing.
3. Contextual advertising is one of the most effective, as it is shown by user requests.
4. Social marketing. Social networks are a great source of traffic, so create and manage groups, promote your online store, and increase the number of subscribers. Run social media ads.

Our offer:
Online store based on Laravel or Symphony frameworks
Online store on Opencart
SEO optimization
Promotion tools
Successful cases
Brand recognition
Conversion increase
Increase in sales