Quality SEO Services for Your Business

In the world of modern technology, more and more companies are realizing that a successfully promoted website on the Internet is one of the key factors for success. But how can you make your website visible and attract potential customers? One of the most effective ways is to search for optimal solutions in the field of SEO. Our agency offers high-quality SEO services that help businesses grow, increase sales, and rank high in search engines.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of measures aimed at improving the website's position in search engines, which leads to increased traffic and the attraction of new customers.


Benefits of using SEO for business

Key metrics: What indicators should be tracked using Google Analytics during SEO optimization?


  • Increased website traffic

With SEO, you can attract more visitors to your website, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

  • Improved user experience

Website optimization allows you to improve its functionality and ease of use, which has a positive effect on user behavior.

  • Increased brand awareness

The higher the website's position in search engines, the more chances that users will see and remember your brand.

  • Competitive advantage

With the right approach to SEO, you can outperform competitors and take a leading position in your niche.


SEO as a tool for business growth

The image of a person with an unbuttoned shirt, on which is written seo


  • Attracting new customers

SEO allows you to attract new customers from search engines. This can be especially useful for businesses that are just starting out and want to expand their audience.

  • Increasing sales

SEO can help increase sales, as attracting new customers and improving the user experience on the website leads to increased conversion rates and sales.

  • Strengthening market position

SEO allows you to occupy leading search engine positions, strengthening your business's position in the market and increasing its visibility.

  • Optimizing advertising campaigns

SEO can help optimize advertising campaigns, as it allows for more accurate identification of keywords that most effectively attract your target audience.

  • Creating higher-quality content

SEO stimulates the creation of high-quality content, which not only improves the site's position in search engines but also improves the user experience and increases audience engagement.

These points demonstrate how SEO can become the primary tool for growing your business, helping to attract new customers, increase sales, strengthen market positions, optimize advertising campaigns, and create higher quality content.


Individual approach to SEO for each client

Our team of SEO experts: working for your success


When our company works with clients, we begin with a thorough analysis of their website and target audience. We study the keywords most relevant to the client's business and determine what search queries potential customers use to find information online. Based on this information, we develop an SEO strategy that best suits our client's business.

We also keep track of the latest trends and innovations in SEO and incorporate them into our work to ensure our clients' success. We believe that our approach, based on individual customization for each client, allows us to achieve better results and bring more quality traffic to our client's websites.


Achieving success in search results

Sales funnel: from visitor to customer. The graph shows the stages of turning a potential customer into a loyal one.


We provide a comprehensive approach to SEO, starting with a thorough audit of your website and competitive analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business in the online space. Then we develop a customized SEO strategy that best aligns with your business goals and the needs of your target audience.

A vector illustration with the inscription SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and a target. The illustration symbolizes the importance of optimizing your website to achieve goals in search engines.


SEO is a powerful tool for growing your business that provides an effective and cost-effective marketing strategy with long-term results. Regardless of the size of your business and the industry it operates in, SEO can be effective for it. It is also a more reliable and stable source of traffic than search engine advertising, and allows for improved interaction with the target audience, building more quality relationships with customers.

Our agency specializes in providing high-quality SEO services for businesses. We help increase the online presence and sales of the company through our comprehensive approach, which includes on-page and off-page optimization. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@advance.az or +994 50 247 28 00. We would be happy to help you achieve success in your online business.


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Internal site optimization helps to improve user experience and increase site visibility in search engines. Its tasks include optimizing content, improving site structure, working with meta tags, accelerating pag...

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With the growing competition in the online world, more and more companies and entrepreneurs are striving to occupy their niche in search results. In this situation, it is necessary to understand that without prop...

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The semantic core of the site is a list of search queries (a set of words and phrases) reflecting the field of activity, goods or services provided by the company, and, ultimately, the theme and structure of the...

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What does SEO include?

SEO includes the following stages: keyword research and analysis, technical audit of the website, content optimization, building external links (off-page SEO), local SEO, improving page speed, ensuring mobile compatibility, and regular monitoring...

How long does it take to see results from SEO?

Initial results can be expected within 3-6 months, depending on the competitiveness of the niche and the condition of your website.

How do you choose keywords for a website?

We conduct a detailed analysis of competitors and research the search queries of the target audience to select the most relevant keywords.

What does a technical audit of a website include?

A technical audit includes checking the loading speed, mobile optimization, URL structure, meta tags, and other technical aspects.

How do you improve content for SEO?

We optimize content by adding keywords, creating quality meta tags, and structuring texts for user convenience.

What does off-page SEO include and how do you do it?

Off-page SEO includes creating backlinks, managing reputation, and handling social signals. We use white-hat methods for sustainable results.

How do you work with local SEO?

Local SEO includes optimizing the website for local search queries, setting up Google My Business, and working with local links.

What steps do you take to improve website speed?

We optimize images, use caching, minimize CSS and JavaScript, and improve server response time.

How do you measure the success of SEO campaigns?

We use key performance indicators (KPIs) such as traffic growth, improved search rankings, increased conversions, and return on investment (ROI).

How often do you provide reports on the work done?

We provide detailed reports monthly, including analysis of results and recommendations for further actions.

What metrics do you track to evaluate SEO?

We track organic traffic, keyword rankings, bounce rate, time on site, and the number of pages per session.

Do you offer a free SEO audit?

Yes, we provide a free initial SEO audit to assess the current state of your website and offer preliminary recommendations.

What additional services do you offer to improve SEO?

We also offer unique content creation, reputation management, user experience optimization, and the development of mobile versions of websites.

How do you ensure the security of the website during the SEO process?

We use safe optimization methods, avoid black-hat techniques, and regularly update the website's protection against potential threats.

Can I monitor the SEO optimization process?

Yes, we provide access to analytical data and regularly communicate with clients to discuss progress and plans.

What guarantees do you provide for SEO results?

While we cannot guarantee specific rankings, we do guarantee improved visibility and traffic if all recommendations are followed.

How do you work with new websites?

For new websites, we develop a comprehensive strategy starting with niche analysis, creating quality content, and building a network of backlinks.

What should I do if my website is penalized by search engines?

We conduct an audit to identify violations, fix the issues, and submit a request for a site review by search engines.

How often should the SEO strategy be updated?

We recommend reviewing and updating the SEO strategy every 6-12 months, depending on changes in search engine algorithms and market conditions.

How does content marketing affect SEO?

Quality content improves behavioral factors, increases the number of backlinks, and enhances the relevance of the page for search engines.

What is white-hat and black-hat SEO?

White-hat SEO uses ethical optimization methods, whereas black-hat SEO involves manipulative and risky techniques that can lead to penalties.

What type of content works best for SEO?

The best results come from informative articles, detailed guides, case studies, and visual content.

What is the role of social media in SEO?

Social media increases content visibility, attracts traffic, and can contribute to the creation of backlinks.

Why is it important to use meta tags and headings?

Meta tags and headings help search engines and users understand the content of the page and improve its visibility in search results.

How do you adapt your SEO strategy to Google algorithm changes?

We continuously monitor algorithm updates and adjust our strategy to meet new requirements.

What are the best practices for building backlinks?

We use white-hat methods such as guest posts, partnerships, and content marketing.

How does AI integration impact your SEO strategies?

We use AI to analyze data and predict trends, which helps optimize our strategies.

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Brand recognition

Conversion increase

Increase in sales


Select channels



Online channels

Web development