SEO optimization

  • A set of measures to increase the visibility of a site in search engines for targeted search queries.

  • A set of measures to promote a product, brand. ATL includes all types of offline marketing (newspaper, radio, outdoor advertising, printing, etc.).

  • Relevance is essentially the degree of a match; page relevance is the degree to which a page matches the entered search query. That is, they entered the query "order a car rental" and the search engine gave you pages containing information on how and where to make an order for a car rental.

  • A set of marketing communications with clients, motivation for the conversion action. BTL includes a large number of marketing technologies, among which the most famous are mailing lists, SMS, exhibitions, conferences, promotions, coupons, gift cards, viral marketing, and everything that stimulates sales.

  • External website optimization is still an important factor affecting the success of promoting any resource on the network. In fact, external optimization is building up the link mass or getting links to your site from other resources. And the better these links are, the better for you.

  • Internal optimization is, first of all, meeting the requirements of search engines, namely, good site navigation, usability, relevant headings, filled meta data, competent linking, responsive layout, text optimization, behavioral factors, and much more, which improves your site in the eyes of search engines and users.

  • The site's semantic core, SY is the base of search words, phrases, and morphological forms that most accurately characterize the type of activity, goods, or services that the site offers and are specially selected for its promotion.

  • PageRank (PR) is a numerical measure of the importance (authority) of a page on a site for the Google search engine, calculated from the number and quality of links to this page, both external and internal.

  • Re-linking (from the English link - link) is the process of linking different sites and pages of one site with hyperlinks to each other. Accordingly, the linking is divided into external and internal.

  • is a web-based semantic markup standard announced by the search engines Google, Bing, and Yahoo! in summer 2011. The purpose of semantic markup is to make the Internet more understandable, structured and make it easier for search engines and special programs to extract and process information for its convenient presentation in search results. The markup occurs directly in the HTML code of the pages using special attributes and does not require the creation of separate export files.

  • The person who moderates the relevance of the search results in the search engine is engaged in manual data analysis and improves the ranking algorithms.

  • A snippet is an information block in search results. Includes metadata, title, description, rating, quick links, etc. The better the snippet is designed, the more effective the search results.